Vision: To live in a socially inclusive society where all individuals, families and children are respected and treated as equals and given the opportunity to integrate in society have a sense of belonging and being a part of their own community. |
Mission Our mission is to support the development of the community through empowerment, understanding, inclusion and acceptance. To realise our vision through the delivery of a professional, respectful, confidential family and community support service,
We aim to respond the needs of the community in an approachable positive transparent and cohesive manner through Community Development and Family Supports principals. |
Our Work: The work of the FRC will be guided and informed by our beliefs and Commitment to inclusiveness. We respect people’s values and Diversity and we are committed to equality.
Participation: We recognize and value the contribution of volunteers within Organizations and the community.
Quality: We strive for excellence through achieving continuous improvement within the Organisation
Openness: We are committed to a culture of teamwork and collaboration
BCFRC Charities Main Objective: To operate a Family Resource Centre to support individuals, children, Families and Communities experiencing hardship, disadvantage and marginalism, encouraging greater participation in decisions which affect their lives, bringing about social change to improve their educational progressions , personal development, health and wellbeing through community development principles and a universal range of Family Support Services